Craig Peacock
has lots of information on the wires in the plug, the keyboard scan
codes. Includes a simple circuit and software for a 68HC705. You plug any
standard keyboard into this 68HC705, and it translates the scan codes to
normal ASCII and transmits it on a RS-232 output. It catches
CTRL-ALT-Delete and pulls down an output line (designed to be hooked to
another CPU reset line). It also has some digital inputs that cause it to
transmit commands to the keyboard to turn on numlock and other LEDs. [FIXME:
mirror this information ? ]
PC Keyboard Encoders
chips and boards that plug into your PC's keyboard port and then you
plug a bunch of contact switches into them. supposedly has
some nice chips designed to be embedded in a PC keyboard (presumably one
could use them to interface all kinds of things to plug into a PC's
keyboard plug).